{Day 7: BUY FLOWERS...}
Instead of buying more flowers (the greenery from last week is still lively), and instead of finding flowers out in the wild like Maxwell does in his video for Day 7, I decided it was time to revive a flower I already have. It's not exactly a flower. Not right now anyway. It's supposed to be. Once every three years. When it's alive and taken care of. But it hasn't bloomed in 9 years. And 9 happens to be the age I was when it was given to me. A clipping in a styrofoam cup from my primary Sabbath School teacher. Although, he doesn't remember that. I've asked him. I wanted to know what it's called so I can look up how to take care of it. But he doesn't know what I'm talking about.
So, I have this weird exotic plant that I hold onto despite its ongoing ugly stage, because it's so mysterious and gorgeous when it finally does bloom. Or so I hear. I've never seen it, except on film. I was 15 and away at academy the first time it bloomed (that's right, SIX years after I took ownership of it). My parents were out of town and left it with some friends to enjoy the bloom that they guessed would appear while they were away. (Not only does it bloom only once every three years, it does so at midnight and dies by morning. Strange, I know.) And it did bloom. So they called my brother who happened to be in town and asleep, but he knew it was special to me, so he drove over to see it. And they got pictures. And despite all odds, it bloomed once more a year and a half later. When I was away in Mongolia. And it hasn't bloomed since. True story.
So, for Day 7's task, I rescued my plant from my sister's. (Not that I've ever taken care of it. It's only thanks to my mom and Daniel that's it alive.) It's in pretty bad shape. But I've seen it worse, so I'm hopeful. We clipped off the dead stuff, gave it a little drink and spot in some sun away from the freezing nights. We just might get another bloom out of it yet.
{... & SIT FOR 10}
Nothing special here. For the second part of Day 7, I sat for a few minutes in our hallway (area 2 of my focus areas for this Cure). Staring at a problem area without moving things, just thinking, really helps open ideas and solutions. Some of them are dumb. But it's like a brainstorming session where thoughts free flow in a "no idea is a bad idea" safety zone, and eventually you land on something that just might work. And makes sense. And will make your space just the way you want it.
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{re-nest: storage into seating} |
{AREA 3, outbox}
I'd love to find a way to mask our outbox. It's a pretty permanent part of our house (there's always something that's being considered for removal), so why not make it a hidden/functional part of the house? One idea I thought of is the tub bench idea photographed above. We often neglect our hallway mess because no one sees it except us, but we pass it all the time so a cleaned space is essential to "curing" our home. I'd also like to hang something on the walls to add some aesthetic as we pass by.
{PLEASE, do share}
I'd love to hear about your own {beginner} experiences buying flowers and sitting for 10 minutes. Where do you find your favorite flowers? What might you learn from sitting in a new spot in your home for 10 minutes? Have you started your own 20/20 Cure?